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How Can the Weather Affect the Rate of Metal Rusting?

  Moisture In a hot and dry climate, metal is much less prone to rusting than in a humid or wet climate. Rust is the byproduct of a process called "corrosion." Metal corrodes when it goes through a chemical reaction involving the oxygen in water. If the metal is kept dry at all times, it is much less likely to start rusting than if it is constantly being exposed to rain or to high humidity that condenses on the metal. Temperature Heat also plays a part in how fast metal rusts. Generally speaking, higher temperatures are associated with higher rates...

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Protect Your Snow Removal Fleet From Rust

Protect Your Snow Removal Fleet From Rust

With the introduction of pre-emergent salts, rust has become an added cost of doing business for snow and ice management business owners. Automotive manufacturers have been successful in increasing the life span of their vehicles, but no one anticipated the impact of these next-generation salts. Although these salts have been embraced by local governments, environmental groups and the snow contracting community, fleet managers are extremely distraught. Not taken into account were the effects these salts would have on vehicles and infrastructure. These new salts are able to stick to the vehicles longer and are more active at lower temperatures. As...

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How exactly does road salt cause cars to rust?

How exactly does road salt cause cars to rust?

How exactly does road salt cause cars to rust? by Daniel Strohl We here in the northern states get exactly two things from combining cars and winter: good wintertime driving stories and rust. Both come courtesy of snow, but not directly; the former involve driving skills (or lack thereof) as a catalyst, while the latter involves road salt as a catalyst. The fact that road salt causes vehicles to rust out – sometimes after just a couple of winters – is something everybody knows, but the exact process isn’t quite as simple as steel plus salt equals rust. [caption id="attachment_34"...

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