(918) 438-2760


Online Privacy Policy

Auto Crane respects your privacy. Our online privacy policy is designed to help you

understand how we collect and use Web site use information and any personal

information that you provide to us during your visits to this Web site. These privacy

provisions, however, apply solely to our online information collection activities and are

not applicable to information collection practices we may be engaged in outside of this

Web site.



Your Consent

By using our Web site, you are agreeing to the terms of our online privacy policy. If you

do not agree to this policy, please do not use this site. We reserve the right to change our

online privacy policy at any time without notice. If we change the privacy policy,

however, we will post those changes on our Web site.



No Representation or Warranty

While we have established internal practices designed to maintain the confidentiality of

the information we collect, your confidential use of our Web site cannot be guaranteed by

  1. We shall not be responsible for any harm that you or any person may suffer as a

result of a breach of confidentiality in respect to your use of this site or of any

information you transmitted to this site.



What Information Do We Collect and How Do We Use It?

  1. Web Site Use Information

In general, you can browse our Web site without telling us who you are or revealing any

personal information about yourself. Similar to other commercial Web sites, however,

our Web site uses “cookies” (see “What are Cookies?” below) and Web server logs to

collect information about how our Web site is used.

Information collected through cookies and Web server logs may include the name of your

Internet service provider, the browser you are using and any available plug-ins, the type

of computer or electronic device you are using to access our Web site, the Internet

Protocol (IP) address associated with that device, the Web site that referred you to us, the

pages you request, and the date and time of those page requests. We use this information

to administer the Web site, to generate statistics and measure the use of our Web site, and

to improve the content of our Web site.

  1. Personal Information You Choose to Provide

During normal Web site usage, we do not collect or store personal information such as

your name, mailing address, email address, phone number or social security number.

There are instances, however, when Auto Crane requests personal information in order to

provide a service, such as product registration, or send you information about our

company. You may notify us at any time if you do not wish to receive any future

correspondence from us by sending an email to aaronrayner@Auto

Personal information is collected and stored by us in a manner appropriate to the nature

of the data and is also used to fulfill your request. We will not share or sell your personal

information to any other company. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we may share user

information from time-to-time within the Auto Crane , Inc. family of companies in

order to provide consistent service, support and marketing to our existing and prospective

customers. We also may share information with our distributors. For example, when a

user requests a catalog be mailed, we will respond with a letter to the user directing them

to the closest distributor. We will also provide a copy of that user’s information to the

distributor so that they may follow up. Our distributors are not Auto Crane -owned




What Are Cookies?

Cookies are pieces of information that a Web site transfers to an individual’s hard drive

for record-keeping purposes so that we may track site and user activity. The use of

cookies is an industry standard and you will find them at most major Web sites. By

showing how and when visitors use the site, cookies help us to track those areas of our

site that are popular and which areas are not. Many improvements and updates to the site

are based on this data.

Most browsers are initially set to accept cookies but you can set your browser to refuse

cookies or to alert you when cookies are being sent. However, it is possible that some

parts of our Web site will not function properly if you do so. Also, we will not be able to

recognize you as a returning visitor.



Links to Other Web Sites

This Web site may contain links to other sites. The privacy policies of those other sites

may differ from our privacy policy and we do not accept responsibility for the privacy

policies of those other sites. Please remember that when you use a link to go from our

Web site to another Web site, our privacy policy is no longer in effect. Please read over

that other Web site’s privacy policy before proceeding.



Special Notification with Respect to Children’s Privacy

The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) is a federal law that protects the

online privacy and personal information of children under 13 years of age. In compliance

with COPPA, we do not promote online to children and we do not intentionally collect

any personal information from children under 13. Children under the age of 13 must be

signed up by their parents and use their parents email address in order to receive email
